Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Plan Scope Management - Scope and Requirements Management Plans

Let's go back to basics by referring back to PMBOK's definitions of Scope and Requirement.

Scope - The sum of the products, services, and results to be provided as a project = The work or actions that are required to be done in order to fulfill the requirements.

Requirement - A condition or capability that is required to be present in a product, service, or result to satisfy a
contract or other formally imposed specification = The functions of the product, service or result to achieve a the desired set of outcomes.

Therefore the bottomline is:

Scope Management Plan - A component of the project or program management plan that describes how the scope will be defined, developed, monitored, controlled and verified.

Requirements Management Plan - A component of the project management plan that describes how requirements will be analyzed, documented and managed. 

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Monitor & Control Project Work - Schedule Forecasts vs Cost Forecasts

Forecasting is an important business tool to anticipate future trends and to undertake relevant preventive or corrective measures to achieve the desired outcomes.

In the PMP syllabus, there are 2 types of forecasting and they are both included in the Input and Output of some processes.

1. Schedule Forecasts - Estimation of conditions and events in the project's future based on known or available information in order to project schedule status. Usually, the Schedule Variance (SV) and Schedule Performance Index (SPI) are used as part of the reporting.

2. Cost Forecasts - Estimation of cost progress with respect to the Cost Baseline and Estimate To Completion (ETC). Usually, Cost Variance (CV) and Cost Performance Index (CPI) are used as part of the reporting. 

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Monitor & Control Project Work - PMIS vs CMS vs CCS

In the PMP syllabus, there is a myriad of systems for the PMP exam candidates to take note of as they form an integral part of the overall project coordination, change management and information dissemination.

The following diagram is an illustration of the type of systems in relation to the Project Management Information System (PMIS):

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Direct & Manage Project Work - Change Request

A Change Request is activated when there is a proposed change to the project document, deliverable or baseline. Only formally documented requested changes are being administered as part of change management procedures. Validated and approved change requests are then implemented.

There're 4 main types of Change Requests seen in the table below:

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Develop Project Charter - Objectives of Project Charter

The Project Charter is the first and most important document for project initiation because it contains the necessary high-level information such as the following:

1. Project Sponsor & Stakeholders
2. Statement of Work (Scope)
3. Business Case
4. Agreements
5. Schedule (Timeline)
6. Budget
7. Risks
8. Assumptions

Ultimately, the Project Charter formally authorizes the initiation of the project (through Project Sponsor) and gives the Project Manager the authority to use allocated resources and carry out planned project activities.

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

PMP Course Fundamentals - Project Information Pyramid

In a project, information is a very important source to allow collection of relevant data, analyze the data, interpret data with meaningful correlation to trends or outcomes.

The following pyramid model will illustrate the quantitative amount and stratification of data, information and reports components.

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

PMP Course Fundamentals - OPA vs EEF

PMP exam candidates may sometimes find it confusing between Organizational Process Assets (OPA) and Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF) as there are some items which do overlap with each other. 

I experienced similar thoughts as well when I was studying for the PMP exam but it got clearer as I studied deeper. Therefore, the diagrams below made me understood better on the differences between OPA and EEF:


PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

PMP Course Fundamentals - Types of Organizational Structures

There are namely 3 types of organizational structures:

1. Functional 

Highly hierarchical and each employee has one clear superior (aka Functional Manager) and staff are grouped into areas of specialization, managed by the superior.

2. Matrix

Functional and Project Managers share responsibilities in assigning priorities and directing work of staff assigned to the project.

3. Projectized

Project Manager has full authority to assign priorities, apply resources and direct the work of staff assigned to the project.

There is another form of organizational structure which is known as Composite, which includes the involvement of all of the above structures at various levels. Project team may comprise of full-time staff from different functional departments and may operate outside of the standard reporting structure. An example is a taskforce.

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

PMP Course Fundamentals - Roles of Project Management Office (PMO)

The PMO roles include the following:

1. Project-related governance;
2. Managing and facilitating shared resources;
3. Advising best practices, standards and methodologies;
4. Development needs such as coaching, mentoring, training;
5. Ensure compliance through audit; and
6. Facilitate communications across projects.

The PMO can also provide project support function or even directly managing a project. There are three forms which a PMO can take:

a. Supportive;
b. Controlling; and
c. Directive.

As the PMO has oversight of the projects within the organization, the Project Manager can also seek advice on the priorities of the various projects.

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

PMP Course Fundamentals - What is a Project, Program and Portfolio?

For the PMP exam, the candidate must be clear on the definitions of a project, program and portfolio as exam questions usually test the understanding of the definitions and differences of each term.

What is a Project?

A project is a (1) temporary endeavour to create a (2) unique product, service or result and details are (3) progressively elaborated as time progresses.

What is a Program?

A program is a (1) group related projects, subprograms and program activities managed in a (2) coordinated way to (3) obtain benefits not available from managing them individually.

What is a Portfolio?

A portfolio refers to (1) projects, programs, subportfolios, and operations (2) managed as a group to (3) achieve strategic aims.

- Adapted from PMBOK, 5th Edition and modification to original text included.

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Plan Communications Management - Calculating Number of Communication Channels

By calculating the number of communication channels or paths which the project manager needs to undertake, it gives the project manager a gauge of the level of project complexity too.

No. of communication channels required = [n(n-1)]/2

where n is the number of stakeholders mentioned, including the project manager.

PMP Exam Coach (Singapore) - Email sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com to Gary for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Singapore PMP Exam Coach - Gary Ong

Do you feel the anxiety when preparing the PMP exam?

Does your procrastination get the better of you when preparing for the PMP exam?

Are you a busy working individual having difficulties squeezing time out for the PMP exam?

Do you feel "stuck" when preparing for the PMP exam?

Do you need REAL tips and insights to the PMP exam?

If you say "Yes" to more than 3 of the questions above, you are strongly encouraged to take up my customized PMP Exam Coaching in order to prepare you well for the PMP Exam!

Contact me at sgpmpexamcoach@gmail.com for your PMP exam coaching needs now! Please indicate your name, contact details and status of exam prep so that I can tailor to your needs.

About Gary Ong
Gary is a certified PMP in Singapore. Gary provides 1-on-1 exam coaching to PMP candidates to boost their exam confidence and what to expect for the exam. Gary will help maximize your time needed to prepare for the exam!